Why you’re always “getting there”

Have you ever heard yourself say, “im getting there” like when a friend asks how you are going and you say, “im getting there”. I used to say it all the time, and guess what, i dont anymore, because im there, ive arrived. By opening my eyes this morning and perceiving my day, i have […]


Team Its not every week you turn 30, This friday the 27th of May your boy will be turning 30, in light of this im writing 30 things ive learned since turning 30. 1. Nobody is going to save you. 2. Do not wait for anyone 3. You are the problem, you are the solution. […]

2 Blokes, 2 Goals, 1 POD

These 2 were Twinning! FINDING YOUR TRIBE Ethan (Right)  Has lost over 15kg with Rizzfitness and is slowly shaping the body of his dreams! Sean (left) Has increased his strength on all lifts and can now do full body unassisted chin ups. When i started the Rizzfitness PODs i wanted Men to come together for […]